Korea-West Balkans Project and Investment Forum & B2B

The Vojvodina Development Agency held a series of B2B meetings within the third investment forum and B2B project “Korea-Western Balkans”, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Serbia, the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), the National Information Society Agency (NIA), with the help of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.

We had meetings with companies from the field of ICT, renewable energy sources, and the automotive industry.

This forum enables Korean companies and relevant institutions to get acquainted with numerous projects and business opportunities in Serbia, and the participants from Serbia with the good practices of Korean companies. 16 Korean companies and 90 domestic and regional companies participated, and around 100 B2B meetings were held.

The total foreign trade exchange with R. Korea amounted to 418.3 million euros in 2021, while for the first six months of this year, the goods exchange reached 295.4 million euros.

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