Suppliers’ Day
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What is Suppliers’ Day?
Suppliers’ Day is a B2B event organized by RAV since 2017, aiming to assist domestic and foreign companies find local suppliers of components, materials, and solutions related to various industries. These events help domestic companies integrate into other companies’ supply chains, initiating or increasing exports.
When is SD?
We organize it twice a year:
- Spring Suppliers’ Day, in April or May, focuses on the food industry
- Autumn Suppliers’ Day, held in October or November, targets the supporting automotive industry, including plastics, rubber, metal, machinery, and electrical sectors.

How to apply?
After the invitation, companies can fill out an online or PDF form on our website. After completing the registration, all participants receive a list of registered companies, and each company can schedule a maximum of 10 meetings. In these 10-minute sessions, they can present their product range or services.
There is no participation fee for these events.