After the great success in the field of software for power distribution systems, the Schneider Electric DMS NS center also began to conquer the gas industry sector.
Dejan Markovic, Managing Director of Schneider Electric for Serbia and Montenegro, said that the first AGMS solutions have already been delivered to Gasunie from the Netherlands.
This company estimates that DMS NS will generate revenue growth by more than 50% in comparison with the previous year. In this development center, one of the 4 Schneider’s in the world, there are approximately 1,100 people employed, and each year the team is growing.
“We have won a completely new market – management of gas infrastructure. It’s a kind of a “smart grid”, just for gas. We have shown that in fact, with some changes, everything that was done at the level of electro distribution systems can be applied in any industry, which is remarkable” – said Markovic, adding that in this segment they hope for big jobs.
Source-e Kapija