Suppliers’ Days – Agribusiness 2021

More than 110 meetings were held at the Suppliers Days- Agribusiness 2021, which was held online from March to June 2021.

At these B2B meetings we gathered domestic producers in the food sector and representatives of foreign, domestic and regional retail chains Lidl, Univerexport, Delhaize , PerSu, Gomex, Podunavlje, ZdravologijaVoli from Montenegro, Bingo and Tropic from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Plodine from Croatia, as well as representatives of 47 small and medium enterprises from Vojvodina.

The product categories sought by the markets were mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable products, honey, meat, organic, mill and bakery products, industrial vegetables for the production of spices, as well as the frozen program.

Supplier Day – Agribusiness is the traditional spring day of RAV supplier. So far, 265 business entities from 14 countries have participated in the Days of Suppliers – Agribusiness, and over 1,100 meetings were held.