In September 2023, the 53rd round of research on the Business Climate in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was conducted, with the participation of 241 companies operating in various sectors. The main findings of the research indicate positive expectations among entrepreneurs at the level of the Vojvodina economy in all observed categories of study: overall business performance, collaboration with foreign clients, sales prices, and the number of employees.
The central theme of the research was standardization and the entry of companies into the supply chain of multinational companies. The research findings suggest that half of the surveyed companies found standardization necessary, and they have implemented it. According to the respondents, the most significant assistance in introducing quality standards and certification includes cost co-financing for standard implementation and specialized training for employees.
Regarding the entry of domestic companies into the multinational companies (MNC) supply chain, one-sixth of the surveyed companies reported being part of the MNC supply chain, while nearly one-third plan to attempt entry into the MNC supply chain. As written by most of the surveyed companies, the primary motivation for entering the MNC supply chain is access to larger markets and the potential for increased revenue.
You can download the September edition of the Business Barometer here.