The municipality of Kula has signed a memorandum of understanding with the American company Attis Industries, which operates in the field of production of alternative fuels. The company is interested in opening a new production plant and announces an investment of up to EUR 80 million.
The memorandum was signed by Damjan Miljanic, the president of the municipality of Kula, and Vanessa Beghetto, a representative of Attis. The signing of the memorandum was attended by Nikola Zezelj, the director of the Development Agency of Vojvodina, and Zeljko Jelenkovic, a representative of Attis. The company’s plan is to invest 60 to 80 million euros in a period of 24 months from the moment of obtaining all necessary permits, and the average salary at the factory should be around EUR 1,500.
It is also stated that the technology will be 100% environmentally friendly, without negative impacts on the environment.
The president of the municipality of Kula, Damjan Miljanic, says that the company’s interest has now been confirmed with the signing of the memorandum.
– The importance of this investment for our municipality and the whole state is obvious. The whole arrangement involved the Ministry of Agriculture, the local self-government and the Development Agency of Vojvodina, as a partner organization which will be important to the realization of all investments in the future as well – Miljanic said.
According to Attis representative Vanessa Begeto, company has the plan to employ about 160 people who will be in the process and will sort the raw material. She added that the plans for the beginning of the construction could be expected in the next six months, after which they would need 18 months to co complete construction.